University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Female Chromosomes Offer Resilience to Alzheimer’s

UCSF scientists now have evidence from research that women with Alzheimer’s live longer than men with the disease because they have genetic protection from the ravages of the disease.

illustration of two X chromosomes

Smartphones May Help Detect Diabetes

Researchers at UCSF have developed a “digital biomarker” that would use a smartphone’s built-in camera to detect diabetes.

holding smartphone with diabetes detection app

How to Build a COVID Testing Lab in Eight Days

As the United States’ testing regime floundered early in the pandemic, scientists at UCSF and the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub created from scratch a diagnostic lab that became a model for the nation.

Vida Ahyong, Joe DeRisi, and Emily Crawford in face masks, lab coats, and gloves.