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Progress Fighting Malaria: A Timeline

<p>Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a parasite transmitted from person to person by the bite of a mosquito. In the past two centuries, numerous&nbsp;research and public health efforts&nbsp;worldwide&nbsp;have sought to combat this ancient scourge as this timeline shows.</p>

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UCSF Cycling Team 'Menstrual Cycles' Fights Multiple Sclerosis

<p><span class="Apple-style-span">With four members diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), three of whom are treated at the nation's leading MS Center at UCSF, a cylcing team will participate in the annual ride through the wine country to raise money to fight MS.</span></p>

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Traumatic Brain Injury More Than Doubles Dementia Risk

Patients diagnosed with traumatic brain injury (TBI) had over twice the risk of developing dementia within seven years after diagnosis compared to those without TBI, in a study of more than 280,000 older veterans conducted by researchers at the San Francisco VA Medical Center and UCSF.

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Brain Research at UCSF Aims to Help Distracted Remember

<p>UCSF cognitive neuroscientist Adam Gazzaley has used functional brain imaging and EEG studies to discover that older adults fare worse than younger adults at remembering following distractions. He hopes to improve their performance with cognitive training, using a newly developed video game.</p>

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Mapping the Brain with Philip Sabes, PhD

<p>By mapping neurons and neuron circuitry during movement, Sabes’ lab hopes to one day to be able to print this information back into the brain. If feasible, such therapy could offer new hope to stroke victims whose brains are unable to recover on their own.</p>

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New Life for Damaged Nerves with Hubert Kim, MD, PhD

<p>Each year, scores of soldiers wounded by explosives suffer from debilitating nerve injuries that render their arms and legs useless. Kim’s research, performed at the UCSF-affiliated San Francisco Veterans Affairs hospital, has led to development of artificial nerve grafts to accelerate healing of these injuries.</p>

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