University of California San Francisco

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962 Results in the UCSF News Center
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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Trip Therapy

Could psychedelics become mainstream medicines?

Illustration of a silhouette of a woman with mushrooms blooming in her mind.

How AI Found the Words to Kill Cancer Cells

A new sophisticated machine learning technique using a molecular library of commands guides engineered immune cells to seek out and tirelessly kill cancer cells.

Microscopy of blue and purple cells showing cute lymphoblastic leukemia

Curci Scholarship Will Boost Graduate Student Diversity

With generous support from the Shurl and Kay Curci Foundation, UCSF has begun a new scholarship for women and international scholars that promises to help build a more diverse pipeline of basic science PhD students.

A wall of a building in Mission Bay with "UCSF" signagge mounted

Removal of Historic Murals Wins Award as UCSF Takes Next Steps to Find Permanent Home

“The History of Medicine in California” murals were extracted from seismically-vulnerable Toland Hall and safely transferred to a storage facility, winning a California Preservation Foundation award. The murals can now be explored virtually at any time, and UCSF is looking for a permanent home for the panels.

Biddy Mason portrayed in a mural