University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Scourge of the City

In honor of UCSF’s 150th anniversary, UCSF Magazine traces the battle with tuberculosis, a disease that’s woven into San Francisco’s and the University's history.

TB ward from early 1900’s.

My Lab: Dissected

Two major factors determine whether you get cancer – your genes and what you have been exposed to in the environment, says Allan Balmain, PhD, co-leader of UCSF’s Cancer Genetics Program.

Allan Balmain talks to a research assistant in his lab.

Bridging the Gap in Precision Medicine

UCSF is unveiling a comprehensive cancer genetic testing program integrated with patients' electronic medical records, a major milestone in bringing precision medicine into everyday practice.

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Radiation Exposure Linked To Aggressive Thyroid Cancers

For the first time, researchers have found that exposure to radioactive iodine is associated with more aggressive forms of thyroid cancer, according to a careful study of nearly 12,000 people in Belarus who were exposed when they were children or adolescents to fallout from the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.

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Understanding Ebola

UCSF pathologist Charles Chiu answers some key questions about why the Ebola outbreak has spread so far, how it might be contained and what the real dangers are for people in the U.S.

Sri Lanka Celebrates Two Years Without Malaria

Sri Lanka has not reported a local case of malaria since October 2012. If it can remain malaria-free for one more year, the country will be eligible to apply to the World Health Organization for malaria-free certification.

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