University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Tooth Enamel: Nature’s Crowning Achievement

Stefan Habelitz, an engineer and materials scientist, is blazing a new research trail by investigating tooth enamel in the UCSF School of Dentistry's Marshall Lab, where researchers fruitfully focus on every facet of teeth, knowing they’re nothing to take for granted…

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UCSF Gene Therapy Method Allays Parkinson's Symptoms

A novel technique created at UCSF to deliver a growth factor directly to brain cells has shown promising results in treating Parkinson's symptoms and could enter human clinical trials as early as next year.

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NEJM Editorial cites toll of disparity on chronic disease

The heavy burden of hunger in the United States helps explain why the poor are at higher risk for obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes, according to an editorial in the July 1 <i>New England Journal of Medicine</i> co-authored by two UCSF faculty members.

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Anxiety linked to increased cardiac risk in heart disease patients

Heart disease patients with anxiety disorder were significantly more likely to experience stroke, heart failure, heart attack, transient ischemic attack (mini-stroke), or death than heart disease patients without anxiety, in a study led by researchers at the San Francisco VA Medical Center.

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Cocoa flavanols improve vascular and blood pressure measures for coronary artery disease patients

A new study by UCSF cardiologists and researchers found that high concentrations of cocoa flavanols decrease blood pressure, improve the health of blood vessels and increase the number of circulating angiogenic cells in patients with heart disease. The findings indicate that foods rich in flavanols &#8211; such as cocoa products, tea, wine, and various fruits and vegetables &#8211; have a cardio-protective benefit for heart disease patients.

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McKerrow's Parasitic Disease Research Garners Mendel Medal

James McKerrow, leader of the Sandler Center for Drug Discovery at UCSF, was honored with the 2009 Mendel Medal for his work identifying the vulnerabilities of disease-causing parasites and for devising new strategies to fight them.

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Vitamin D: Not just for bones, says San Francisco VA physician

It is well-known that vitamin D is essential for strong and healthy bones. However, in an article in the online &#8220;In Press&#8221; section of &#8220;Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism,&#8221; a San Francisco VA Medical Center physician reviews recent scientific literature suggesting that the vitamin may also play a role in preventing cancer, fighting infection, and controlling or preventing auto-immune disease.

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