University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Brain-Cell ‘Antenna’ May be Key to Understanding Obesity

UCSF researchers have discovered that the brain’s ability to regulate body weight depends on a novel form of signaling in the brain’s “hunger circuit” via antenna-like structures on neurons called primary cilia.

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Carry the One Radio: “The Hidden Addiction”

Sugar scientist and professor of health policy Laura Schmidt, PhD, MSW, MPH, explores the tactics corporations use to get people hooked on sugary products – and how she and her colleagues are fighting back. Carry the One Radio is produced by a dedicated band of young UCSF scientists, graduate students, and postdocs.

Brainy Bridge

Neuroscientist Ashley Smart shares the wonders of the brain through art.

Illustration of Parnassus Heights depicted as a brain; Sutro Tower sits on top and fog floats around the brain hill; bottom right corner reads “UCSF Neuroscience”

Solving the Hardest Problems in Health

UCSF: The Campaign is taking on the world’s most complex health challenges, powered by an exceptional community of mavericks, innovators, and advocates. Together we will make the Bay Area and our world healthier for all.

Black and white portrait of Joseph DeRisi (left), Jayant Rajan (center), Christine Sheridan (right).