UCSF Wins Gold, Silver in International CASE Awards

By Kristen Bole

UCSF won gold and silver medals in an international contest from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), which announced its Circle of Excellence awards Wednesday morning.

The UCSF news team, which is part of University Relations, won in the “Research, Medicine and News Writing" category for an entry titled, “UCSF: World-Class Research, World-Class Care,” which included five articles that spanned our “bench to bedside” work. The writers whose work was represented include Jeff Norris (Aspirin May Fight Cancer by Slowing DNA Damage), Leland Kim (Hip Pain Drives Top Fitness Trainer to UCSF for Surgery), Elizabeth Fernandez (Lifestyle Changes May Lengthen Telomeres), Laura Kurtzman (Training the Older Brain in 3D), and Juliana Bunim (Breakthrough Study Reveals Biological Basis for SPD in Kids). It won a gold medal, beating 16 other national entries.

The mission of the UCSF news team is to produce press releases and stories that will generate national awareness of UCSF’s translational health focus. The stories included in this "bench to bedside" entry reflect the range of stories that UCSF has covered this year in both basic and clinical research in cancer, neuroscience and genetics, as well as the types of world-class care that are offered in the UCSF Medical Center and UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital. Another objective is to drive further campus engagement and public awareness of this mission by providing visually interesting and multimedia-rich content on UCSF's websites.

The School Development & Alumni Relations team won in the "Alumni Relations Program" category for its "UCSF Alumni Weekend" campaign. It tied for a silver medal, competing against a field of 16 entries from across the country.

UCSF Alumni Weekend is a three-day affair, with more than 80 events, representing all UCSF schools and programs, and 47 campus partnerships. Historically, the four UCSF professional schools (Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy) held independent annual events. The Graduate Division, representing 17 PhD programs, 10 Master’s Programs, as well as degrees in Physical Therapy, never had an annual event.

A new approach to create a new campus-wide campaign leveraging our shared strengths, called “OneUCSF,” was recently adopted. Alumni Weekend embodies the first visible manifestation of this new approach, thus representing a culture shift not only for alumni relations, but for the campus as a whole.

The international awards acknowledge superior accomplishments that have lasting impact, demonstrate the highest level of professionalism and deliver exceptional results. Winning programs epitomize the profession's best practices, raise standards and contribute to a growing body of knowledge about advancement.

The CASE website includes a full list of winners by category.

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