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UCSF Orthopedic Surgeon Volunteers Her Time to National Women's Soccer

Allen recently returned from a trip to Russia and the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) U-20 Women's World Cup Championship, where she was the team physician for the US women's under-20 soccer team. She traveled with the team for three weeks during the tournament, which took place at stadiums in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

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Smokers of menthol cigarettes may have harder time quitting

Although menthol and non-menthol cigarettes appear to be equally harmful to the lungs and cardiovascular system, menthol cigarettes may be harder to quit, according to a UCSF-led study that tracked more than 1,200 smokers over 15 years.

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UCSF Conference on Women and AIDS

Female AIDS researchers from 16 countries gathered this week for the UCSF Conference on Women and AIDS, hosted by UCSF AIDS researcher, Nancy Padian, PhD, MPH, who is teaching these researchers from around the globe how to build a network to control the spread of HIV/AIDS. Dr. Padian is currently researching the diaphragm as an effective HIV prevention method in Zimbabwe with a $40 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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UCSF one of top universities in 2005 NIH research funding

UCSF was the fourth largest recipient of National Institutes of Health research support in 2005, receiving a total of $452.2 million from all awards in the nationally competitive process, according to rankings released by NIH.

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UCSF Plays Pivotal Role as UC is Named Most Successful in Tech Transfer

A study from the Milken Institute, an independent think tank, finds that the University of California system averaged the highest level of licensing income annually from its research discoveries in biotechnology. "Mind to Market: A Global Analysis of University Biotechnology Transfer and Commercialization" looks at how well institutions of higher education do at commercialization, the process of turning intellectual property into business startups and licensing income.

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