University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Elizabeth Blackburn in Conversation on Australian Radio

For the Australian Broadcasting Company, Robyn Williams interviews Elizabeth Blackburn, PhD, about her work on telomeres, aging, stress, and about her involvement with politics—and her falling out with President George W. Bush—when she was part of the President's Council on Bioethics. Blackburn says she saw science presented in an unbalanced way and evidence ignored.

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Promising Vaccine Against Brain Tumor

Andrew Parsa, MD, PhD, speaks with host Norman Swan of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's radio show, <i>The Health Report</i>, about an experimental immunological treatment for the malignant brain tumor known as glioblastoma.

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Paul D. Blanc, MD, Discusses Toxic Products at Home and in the Workplace

UCSF medical school Professor and Chief of the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Paul D. Blanc, MD, is a guest on AM1090 Seattle's <i>Eco Talk </i>program, to discuss his book <i>How Everyday Products Make People Sick: Toxins at Home and in the Workplace </i> (University of California Press).

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UCSF Wins Big on Stem Cell Funding

UCSF was the biggest winner of grants awarded by the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) Friday, with seven grants worth nearly $17.4 million, and an additional $1.1 million going to UCSF and UC Irvine researchers for grants that had not been approved by the institute last month but were funded under the previous outlays. All of the new grants will fund "mature, ongoing studies," according to the stem cell institute.

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Helping Vets Cope with Trauma

Keith Armstrong, LCSW, co-author of the book <i>Courage After Fire</i>, which explores how troops readjust to civilian life after battle, talks about how to reach troubled soldiers coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan who may be extremely reluctant to receive therapy.

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