University of California San Francisco

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COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Vs. Fiction: An Expert Weighs in on Common Fears

We posed the most common COVID-19 vaccine quandaries to Bryn Boslett, MD, an infectious disease expert who is leading the vaccination effort at UCSF. She explains why mRNA vaccines won’t affect your DNA, which allergies pose a risk, what 95 percent efficacy really means, and more.

Older man in car about to receive a vaccine in his left arm

COVID-19 Predictions for 2021 and Beyond

Few would have predicted last January that a pandemic would upend our daily lives. But one grueling year in, UCSF experts have a clearer view of the path ahead.

Illustration of a woman in a face mask pulling back a dark shroud with SARS-CoV-2 cells on it; peeking behind the shroud is a pink and blue sky with clouds.

How Worried Should You Be About the New Coronavirus Variant?

A mutated version of the novel coronavirus has been making the news for being more contagious. We asked UCSF infectious disease expert Charles Chiu, MD, PhD, how the new variant emerged, whether available vaccines will still work, and what we need to do now.

Rows of icons of people, most blue, a few red