University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

The Key to Effectively Treating Mental Illness: Eliminate the Stigma

The stigma associated with mental illnesses is causing millions of Americans go untreated because of misconceptions and shame. UCSF researchers are among those who are pushing for changes that would help to eliminate the stigma and get people the treatments they need.

Study Overturns Prevailing View of Chronic Kidney Disease Prevalence

In a surprising finding, researchers at UC San Francisco have discovered that the prevalence among Americans of chronic kidney disease (CKD), a condition that costs Medicare tens of billions of dollars to treat each year, hasn't increased since the early 2000s.

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Genetic Risk for Obesity Grew Stronger in ‘Obesogenic’ Environment

Lending support to the idea that high-calorie diets, sedentariness and other aspects of the contemporary American lifestyle may be driving the obesity epidemic, UCSF researchers have found that people who carry greater genetic risk for obesity were more likely to have a higher body mass index if they were born later in the 20th century.

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Chest Pain is Common but Actual Severity is Rare

Chest pain is one of the most common reasons to visit the emergency room, but a new UCSF study shows that only a fraction of all cases actually lead to a diagnosis of a life-threatening condition.

Addressing Trauma as a Health Risk

Clinicians at UCSF are taking on trauma as more than just a social issue. They are addressing how it has a staggering impact on a person’s health.