University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

UCSF Launches Sustainability Website

UCSF launched a sustainability website featuring efforts and activities underway to make the UCSF campus and medical center more environmentally friendly.

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High-dose aspirin reduces pain for severe headache and migraine

An inexpensive, hundred-year-old therapy for pain – aspirin – is effective in high doses for the treatment of severe headache and migraine caused by drug withdrawal, according to a new study by researchers with the UCSF Headache Center.

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Preserving Fertility of Women with Cancer Is Often Neglected

Cancer and infertility can be a double blow. Many women become infertile following cancer treatment. And because more women are living longer thanks to modern chemotherapy and radiation treatment, more are later discovering that they cannot bear children.

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Health impact of Gulf Coast oil spill hazardous but improving

The oil spill along the United States Gulf Coast poses health risks to volunteers, fishermen, clean-up workers and members of coastal communities, according to a new commentary by UCSF researchers who spent time in the region and are among the first to look into health problems caused by the oil spill. The good news, the authors say, is that one of the risk factors, coastal air quality, is improving now that the oil leak has been stopped.

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Genetic ancestry data improve diagnosis in asthma and lung disease

Americans with lung disease may face a far greater level of lung damage than either they or their doctor suspect, depending on their individual genetic heritage, according to a study released July 7. The research implications range from diagnosing the severity of asthma to disability decisions or eligibility for lung transplants, researchers say.

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