Website Seeks Ideas for New UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital
UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital has launched an interactive website that invites community members to help shape the future of the hospital’s new home at Mission Bay by submitting ideas about how to make it the best children’s hospital in the world.
The UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Ideas site is an online suggestion box of sorts offering an open forum for submitting thoughts and engaging in conversations about different features of the new Mission Bay hospital, due to break ground this year. The website is available at

Visitors are encouraged to post their ideas for the new children’s hospital on a variety of topics: hospital innovations, improvements in patient care and the family experience, environmental sustainability, community engagement, and fundraising opportunities. The website also allows visitors to cast votes for their favorite ideas, comment on other people’s ideas and track the ideas that are adopted into the hospital’s future programming.
“We are looking for ideas that come directly from our customers, including patients and their families, who want to improve the experience at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital at Mission Bay,” said Kathleen Balestreri, senior director of patient services at UCSF Medical Center and UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital. “We are committed to offering the very best to our community, and we want to be certain that we are ready to provide a caring and comfortable environment for our patients when the new hospital opens in 2014.”
The Ideas site was unveiled on June 22 in conjunction with the formal announcement of Lynne and Marc Benioff’s $100 million gift to the children’s hospital. Marc Benioff, founder, chairman and CEO of, presented a demonstration of the website during his keynote speech at the Cloudforce 2010 technology conference in San Jose. The website is powered through the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) computing platform.
“We hope that the Benioffs’ generosity and the Ideas site will inspire others to become a part of this wonderful project which promises to become a major influence in advancing health worldwide,” said Mark Laret, CEO of UCSF Medical Center and UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital.
To become a part of the Ideas website community, visitors are asked to register and set up a user account through this page.