University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
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2018: A Drug Odyssey

The journey from discovering and developing effective, precise medications to using them correctly and safely in patients is hardly fast and easy. Nor is it a straight shot. Scientists in the UCSF School of Pharmacy are challenging the status quo every step of the way.

Illustration of a beakers, test tubes, and a hypodermic needle; from the needle flows a large droplet shape made of lines and colored circles; amorphous plumes come in from the edges.

UCSF Researcher’s 20 Years Chasing the Genetic Roots of Asthma

Esteban Burchard, who arrived at UCSF in 1998, marks the 20th year of his asthma project in May. His lab, which he named the UCSF Asthma Collaboratory, has delved deep into the genetic basis of asthma and of drug response in the disease.

Esteban Burchard speaks with researchers in his Mission Bay lab

E-Cigarette Use Exposes Teens to Toxic Chemicals

Adolescents who smoke e-cigarettes are exposed to significant levels of potentially cancer-causing chemicals also found in tobacco cigarettes, even when the e-cigarettes do not contain nicotine.