University of California San Francisco

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UCSF Dyslexia Researchers Develop Tool to Flag Early Reading Challenges

UCSF researchers have developed a digital tool to flag early reading challenges that may lead to dyslexia, and it could be in widespread use in California public schools by 2023. Governor Gavin Newsom is proposing $10 million in the state budget for the project.

School proctors with school children using Multitudes assessment tool on ipads

The Kidney Project Successfully Tests a Prototype Bioartificial Kidney

The Kidney Project’s implantable bioartificial kidney, one that promises to free kidney disease patients from dialysis machines and transplant waiting lists, took another big step toward becoming reality, earning a $650,000 prize from KidneyX for its first-ever demonstration of a functional prototype of its implantable artificial kidney.

rendering of the bioartificial kidney