University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
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From Strands to Droplets: New Insights into DNA Control

A new study by UCSF researchers revealed the intriguing possibility that HP1α binds to stretches of DNA and pulls it into droplets that shield the genetic material inside from the molecular machinery of the nucleus that reads and translates the genome.

Deworming Pill May Be Effective in Treating Liver Cancer

UCSF researchers have used data-mining computational tools to identify a treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma, a cancer associated with underlying liver disease and cirrhosis that often only becomes symptomatic when it is very advanced.

New Multiple Sclerosis Drug, Backed by 40 Years of Research, Could Halt Disease

A newly approved drug that is the first to reflect the current scientific understanding of multiple sclerosis is holding new hope for the hundreds of thousands Americans living with the disease. It also highlights the importance of clinician scientists like UCSF’s Stephen Hauser who are working to transform research into cures for patients.