University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Gene Discovery Solves 51-Year-Old Clinical Mystery

The cause of the pancreatic inflammation plaguing a rural California family has been a medical mystery since it was first described 51 years ago. Now genetic sleuth-work by researchers from UC San Francisco and the University of Chicago has solved the mystery: pointing to a novel gene mutation as the cause of the family’s inherited pancreatitis.

pancreas tissue science image

AI Rivals Expert Radiologists at Detecting Brain Hemorrhages

An algorithm developed by scientists at UC San Francisco and UC Berkeley did better than two out of four expert radiologists at finding tiny brain hemorrhages in head scans—an advance that one day may help doctors treat patients with TBI, strokes and aneurysms.

brain scans

Child's Negative Mood Can Lead to Mother's Depression

While numerous studies have explored the intergenerational transmission of mood disorders from parent to child, little research has been done on whether this connection extends in both directions.

Mom's hand holding baby's feet