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Traumatic Brain Injury Strikes 1 in 8 Older Americans

Traumatic brain injuries for people over age 65 can raise their risk for dementia, Parkinson's, cardiovascular and psych disease. Contrary to earlier research, the study found that healthy, wealthy white women are at higher risk.

A CT scan of a traumatic brain injury.

UCSF Health Reaches 15,000 Robotic Surgeries

Gastrointestinal cancer surgeons at the UCSF performed the health system’s 15,000th robotically assisted minimally invasive surgery, making it the first University of California health center to reach this milestone.

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Microbiome Points the Way Toward Surviving a Grueling Therapy

Researchers have found links between lung microbial communities and mortality risk in pediatric bone marrow transplant patients. Metagenomic sequencing revealed distinct patient clusters and unexpected pathogens, highlighting the need for precise diagnostics and therapeutics. Antibiotic treatment was associated with bacterial depletion and enriched viral and fungal populations.

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When Depression Meds Don’t Work, This May Help You Turn the Corner

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a noninvasive in-office procedure. Brief magnetic pulses to the brain induces electrical currents that stimulate nerve cells in specific areas of the brain, providing symptom relief for patients with depression and OCD.

Psychiatrist Katherine Scangos adjusts a device over a man's head that is used for transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment.