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Tubal Ligation No Better Than IUD at Preventing Pregnancy

When women's health researchers analyzed Medi-Cal data to see how two long-term contraceptives performed in the real world, they were surprised to find IUDs work at least as well as tubal ligation, while causing fewer side effects.

Hand holding a copper IUD contraceptive

Brainpower May Take A Beating Following Concussion

Concussion may have a long-term impact on cognition, a new UCSF-led study finds. Fourteen percent of patients had "poor cognitive outcome" one year post injury, with car collisions being the leading cause of concussion.

Medical team with digital tablet working in hospital clinic discussion, diagnosing brain scans

UCSF Is Top Public Recipient of NIH Funding for 15th Year

For the 15th year in a row, UCSF garnered the top spot among public institutions in funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2021. UCSF continued to rank highly among all public and private institutions nationwide, ranking fourth overall.

a researcher in the lab of Alex Marson works on CRISPR research