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The Power of Deep Rest

Perpetual stress runs us down. But a truly restorative state that alters our bodies at the cellular level can counter this deterioration.

Illustration in a dreamy style, of the side profile a woman with her eyes closed and her hands to her chest, looking calm and meditative. Behind her is a window frame with blue and purple skies and pink and red flowers blooming.

New Therapy Improves Lives of Girls and Women with Rett Syndrome

Katie’s Clinic for Rett Syndrome at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland is one of the few U.S. treatment centers and one of only 18 international centers of excellence for the rare disorder. It is one of the first centers to offer the first treatment for the rare genetic disease, helping improve the lives of girls like Emiliana.

A two-year-old girl named Emiliana looks on as bubbles float through her home.

For Type 1 Diabetes Distress, Focus First on Managing Emotions

Diabetes distress, the fears, worries and burdens associated with living with and managing diabetes, affects up to 75% of adults with Type 1 diabetes. The most effective way to reduce diabetes and improve glucose control is to focus on managing the emotional strain of living with the condition.

A boy wearing a diabetic patch on his arm uses a laptop.