University of California San Francisco

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Positive Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Trial Results Support New Treatment Approach

In findings that show the effectiveness of a new strategy for treating multiple sclerosis, researchers are reporting positive results from three large, international, multicenter Phase III clinical trials of the investigational drug ocrelizumab in both relapsing multiple sclerosis and primary progressive multiple sclerosis.

CRISPR Study Reveals Unexpected Roles of Non-Coding RNAs

UCSF researchers have taken a major step toward understanding the function of the tens of thousands of human genes that do not code for proteins, a phenomenon considered one of the key remaining mysteries of the human genome.

Scientific Reasons for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

To give you a bit of scientific motivation, UCSF gathered some of the latest research behind the most popular health-related New Year’s resolutions that attest to why it really is good for your body to see them through.

Most Popular Science Stories of 2016

Stories about sensory processing disorder, videos about “zombie” cancer cells, and news about the effects of caffeine and alcohol on the heart were among the topics that most engaged our readers in 2016.