Medical Students Gather for Excitement of Match Day 2014

By Sarah Paris

Match Day may be the most exciting and decisive moment in the lives of fourth-year medical students – it is when they learn where they will spend the next four or five years of their lives training as resident physicians.

The event is orchestrated by the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), so that students across the United States open their envelopes at exactly the same time. This year, UC San Francisco students gathered with friends and family at Millberry Union on the Parnassus campus to open their envelopes together at 9 a.m. PDT on March 21.

Nationally, more than 16,000 U.S. medical school seniors matched to first-year residency programs and about 54 percent of them were placed at their first-choice locations in 2014, according to the NRMP.

Slideshow photos by Elisabeth Fall/