Mission in a Minute Video Series Debuts

UC San Francisco today debuts a series of 60-second videos called “Mission in a Minute” to highlight a diverse group of scientists and scholars talking about their work, its importance, and how it connects with the overall mission of UCSF.

The idea for the series came out of a School of Medicine retreat earlier this year. 

“One theme, which strongly resonated throughout the retreat, was a call to inspire and motivate our community through storytelling and visual/online media,” Sam Hawgood, MBBS, dean of the School of Medicine and vice chancellor for medical affairs, said at the time.

Mission in a Minute Series

Watch all the videos here

The School of Medicine and University Relations then partnered on this project, issuing a call for submissions from across the University. A team of faculty and communications staff selected the initial group of 24 to be featured for this pilot project. 

For the next wave of video production, University Relations will be looking to recruit faculty, scientists, clinicians and postdocs from across the other three schools.

"We want to represent the breadth and depth of UCSF's expertise across all our mission areas, including education, basic and clinical research, patient care and public service," said Lisa Cisneros, senior director of Strategic Communications in University Relations. "All faculty, postdocs and trainees are encouraged to participate."

Those interested in participating in the next video production shoot for the series in early 2014 can email Cisneros at [email protected].