MEDIA ADVISORY: The Science of Staying Younger Longer

WHAT: The Science of Staying Younger Longer is a by-invitation symposium and panel discussion highlighting advances in scientific understanding of the biological underpinnings of aging and ideas for how to slow down age-associated disease and decline. The symposium will feature  talks by 10 researchers from the University of California and the Buck Institute for Research on Aging. Speakers will discuss the biology of aging, including the roles of the immune system, stem cells, molecular changes, the microbiome, and systems biology. Others will discuss ideas for intervening therapeutically to slow aging, based on the growing scientific understanding of factors that contribute to aging. Speakers will discuss the removal of aging cells, rejuvenating factors in the blood, obesity and aging and the prevention of brain aging.

WHEN: Wednesday, October 16, 2013, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

WHERE: Byers Auditorium, Genentech Hall, UCSF Mission Bay

WHO: Symposium speakers are Andrew Dillon, UC Berkeley; Cynthia Kenyon, UCSF; Richard Locksley, UCSF; David Schaffer, UC Berkeley; Josh Stuart, UC Santa Cruz; Michael Fischbach, UCSF; Judy Campesi, Buck Institute; Saul Villeda, UCSF; Suneil Koliwad, UCSF; and Mervyn Maze, UCSF. KQED Forum host Michael Krasny will lead a panel discussion on rejuvenation therapies.


Media interested in covering the event must RSVP to Jeffrey Norris at [email protected] or 415-476-8255.