UCSF School of Dentistry Successfully Concludes 2012 Accreditation Process
Preliminary conclusions of the American Dental Association's Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) tell a positive story about the UCSF School of Dentistry in its 131st year.

UCSF School of Dentistry faculty and staff celebrate the school's accreditation during a recent town hall meeting on the Parnassus campus.
At the end of the self-study process, the CODA site visit team found that the UCSF School of Dentistry is in compliance with all the predoctoral standards, and the post-graduate program standards for endodontics, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontology, prosthodontics, oral medicine, and general practice residency.
Established in 1975, CODA serves the public by establishing, maintaining and applying standards that ensure the quality and continuous improvement of dental and dental-related education and reflect the evolving practice of dentistry. CODA is nationally recognized by the United States Department of Education to accredit dental and dental-related education programs conducted at the post-secondary level.
During a site visit to the UCSF School of Dentistry from April 10 through April 12, the CODA team identified multiple strengths within the dental school as a whole and within individual programs, singling out several program chairs for their leadership, and the characterizing the quality of UCSF dentistry students as "exceptional."
The DDS (including IDP) Predoctoral Education Program was described by the CODA report in strongly positive terms: exceptional students and basic science, extremely strong research and outstanding financial management and use of resources.
The CODA site visit team also cited the school's "spirit of cooperation at all levels," creating an environment of respect and cooperation.
During a recent town hall meeting, Dean Featherstone credited a few individuals for their contributions toward making the accreditation process a resounding success, including the Accreditation Steering Committee, the Dean's Office Staff, Predoctoral Clinic Staff and Faculty, IT staff and faculty, facilities staff.
The dean gave "special accolades for Associate Dean for Education and Student Affairs Dorothy Perry and her entire team," after which Perry — who led the accreditation process again, having led a similarly successful process in 2005 — was given a standing ovation.
"All of us — everyone in the school, working together, made this wonderful outcome possible," Featherstone said.
Photos by David Hand