Student photo exhibit number 166
By Juliana Bunim
A striking view of London Bridge, a string of colorful Tibetan prayer flags flapping in the wind and a polar bear lounging on an ice cap – they are just some of the more than 150 images submitted in a student photography exhibit that offer a glimpse into the lives of UCSF graduate students.
Students who submitted photos represent a broad spectrum of UCSF’s schools and programs, including those studying medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, physical therapy, bioengineering and medical anthropology.
UCSF Student Photo Exhibit
What: View 30 original student photos and vote for top three
When: Thursday, Jan. 6, 5:30 p.m.
Where: Faculty Alumni House, 745 Parnassus Ave.
Preview photos here
“We have a nice even mix of students from our different programs, and the photos selected for the exhibit reflect those different schools as well,” says Jennifer Passanisi, a multimedia specialist at the Student Activity Center.
The photographs reflect a wide range of subjects, many from international travel experience, work with children and animals, or a seemingly ordinary moment on campus.
Student photo exhibit number 77
“A lot of the subject matter we’ve seen is what the students did over the summer or during their time off,” Passanisi says. “They would go abroad to do medical work at a village in Africa, and take photos during their leisure time. Other students took photos of what they are used to everyday…things that look familiar but you look more closely and get a unique perspective.”
While more than 100 UCSF students submitted photos, competition is fierce for a spot in the show. Three anonymous judges from the Work-Life Resource Center, Student Academic Affairs and the Career Center reviewed the entries, whittling down the number to 30 finalists who will be presented show. None of the students know which photos will be shown until the event on Thursday, Jan. 6.
All attendees at the student photo exhibit will play an important role in determining the top three winners. All 30 pieces will be hung up with an envelope next to each one where guests can cast their vote for first, second and third place.
Prizes include an iPod Nano, a $100 gift certificate to Pacific Catch restaurant, and a $75 gift certificate to Safeway.
Student photo exhibit number 80
The exhibit, hosted by the Graduate Student Association and the Photo Interest Club, is Jan. 6 at 5:30 p.m. at the Faculty Alumni House. The entire campus community is welcome to attend.
Related Links:
Student Photo Exhibit 2010
Student Photography Exhibit
Students to Host Third Annual Spring Art Show