Financial Administrative Services to Conduct Customer Survey
Financial and Administrative Services (FAS) is seeking input from faculty, staff, students and trainees on the services it provides.
Each year, FAS surveys the campus community to determine the level of satisfaction with services, including identifying what customers like and their ideas for improvement. Feedback from the UCSF community helps FAS improve the delivery of important business services, including campus Information Technology, accounting, human resources, and campus planning to police services, fitness and recreation, transportation, maintenance, custodial services, and more.
Senior Vice Chancellor John Plotts invited members of the UCSF community to participate in the 2010 Customer Satisfaction Survey in an email on Tuesday.
“Customer feedback is essential in helping FAS know what it is doing well and where to improve,” Plotts says. “This is especially critical as FAS works hard to streamline processes in response to the Operation Excellence initiatives.”
Survey participants include all stakeholders from the medical center, UC Office of the President, and the community at large.
The survey should take between 15 and 20 minutes, depending on the number of services used. As a token of appreciation for participating, upon completion participants may choose to enter in a raffle for one of 10 Safeway Gift Cards valued at $75 each.
FAS employees are committed to delivering service with C.A.R.E. by:
- working collaboratively with customers to achieve their goals and purposes;
- being accountable for delivering what is expected and complying with policies and procedures;
- being responsive in understanding and adjusting to changing needs and responding to customers in a timely manner, and
- being efficient by delivering high-quality products and services in a cost effect manner.
Examples of improvements made as a result of customer feedback are listed on the FAS website.
All changes, big or small, reflect the desire of FAS to work with customers to be a well run business organization in support of UCSF’s mission.
Questions regarding the survey may be directed via email to [email protected].