University Introduces UCSF Mobile Web
The UCSF Library has developed the UCSF Mobile Web, a new website for the UCSF community that is compatible with a wide range of mobile devices.
The website can be accessed here.
UCSF Mobile Web includes the campus directory, shuttle schedules and trip planner, campus news and events, and information on library services. It also links to library-licensed resources that are available for mobile, such as PubMed@UCSF and STAT!Ref.
Throughout the development process, the Library aimed to provide concise information that would be most needed by users on the go.
“This project was an exciting opportunity to develop a new campuswide service for devices that are indispensable to our daily work life,” said University Librarian Karen Butter. “By combining features like the directory and shuttle schedules with library information, we hope we have created a useful collection of information.”
The project was a collaborative effort that involved the Library and Campus Live Services’ Transportation Services, which provided shuttle schedules, and OAAIS’ Application Services, which provided directory data. News and events from other UCSF departments are added via RSS feed.
More features will be added to UCSF Mobile Web in the future.
The Library is seeking feedback so that staff can continue to improve the site and prioritize features most requested by the UCSF community.
Other features suggested to date include campus maps, fitness class schedules, library catalog, availability of library computers and study rooms, and connections to the Collaborative Learning Environment.
Members of the UCSF community can send suggestions using the feedback link prominently displayed on the mobile site home page.