Expert to Talk about Global Tuberculosis Control Today
The campus community is invited today to a Global Health Sciences Lecture with Philip Hopewell, MD, who will talk about the global tuberculosis control.
Hopewell is a professor of Pulmonary and Critical Care Division at San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH).
His lecture is slated for 4 to 5:30 p.m. today (Jan. 4) in the School of Nursing building, room N 225, on the UCSF Parnassus campus.
A principal investigator at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-funded Francis J. Curry National Tuberculosis Center, Hopewell is a renowned expert in tuberculosis research and control. For the past 27 years, Hopewell has been helping the City and County of San Francisco control tuberculosis (TB), a life-threatening bacterial infection that predominantly affects the lungs.
Hopewell conducts research that is helping physicians around the world fight the disease. He has worked closely with the World Health Organization (WHO) to establish and disseminate best practices and influence physicians worldwide. He and WHO colleagues developed a document, International Standards for Tuberculosis Care, which defines the core elements of TB care and has been endorsed globally.
Hopewell is leading the efforts to implement these standards in countries with the world’s highest tuberculosis incidence. For his efforts in global health, Hopewell was awarded the prestigious 2007 World Lung Health Award at the American Thoracic Society International Conference in San Francisco.
Hopewell received his MD degree from West Virginia University in 1965 and trained in internal medicine and pulmonary disease at UCSF. He joined the faculty at UCSF in 1973 and has remained here since. He received UCSF Faculty Mentoring Program’s 2008 Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring Award.
His other experience includes two years in the U.S. Public Health Service, one year with the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization in Peru and six months with the Government of Nigeria, all working in tuberculosis control. Hopewell succeeded John Murray as Chief of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the UCSF-affiliated SFGH in 1989 and stepped down from that position to become Associate Dean at SFGH in 1998.
Hopewell’s research activities relate to clinical and epidemiological aspects of tuberculosis and tuberculosis control. He is involved in a variety of international tuberculosis control activities including the Stop TB initiative, the Tuberculosis Consortium for Technical Assistance, the Global Investment Plan for Tuberculosis, and WHO advisory groups.
For more information, contact Robert Mansfield.