UCPD to Host Town Hall on Emergency Preparedness Today
Preparedness goes beyond installing smoke detectors, checking dead-bolt locks before bedtime and storing extra food in the pantry in case of an earthquake.
During National Preparedness Month, Christopher Jones, director of Emergency Management for the UC Police Department, will offer practical advice on how to prepare for an emergency during a series of town hall meetings.
The first town hall is scheduled for today Tuesday, Sept. 15, 12:10 to 12:50 p.m., at Rock Hall, Mission Bay campus.
Attendees will learn what plans and procedures UCSF has in place for responding to an emergency. A question-and-answer format will enable participants to learn what to do as a member of the UCSF community to better prepare for emergencies at home or at work. Attendees also will discover ways to get involved in UCSF’s volunteer emergency response teams.
In related news, UCSF PD will host its 8th Annual Public Safety Fair on Wednesday, Sept. 23 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at Saunders Court on the Parnassus campus.
The town hall and safety fair are part of UC Police Department’s participation in National Preparedness Month 2009, a month set aside to encourage individuals and families to take simple steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, workplace and communities. The safety fair is open to all UCSF staff, students, faculty and affiliates. For more information, visit “Preparing for Emergencies” at www.police.ucsf.edu for weekly emergency preparedness tips starting Sep. 15.
For more information about UCSF emergency preparedness and business continuity, contact the UCSF PD Emergency Management Team listed below:
- Christopher Jones – Director, Emergency Managment, 415/476-5507
- Esther Silver – Manager, Business Continuity Program, 415/476-6887
- John Racine – Coordinator, Mass Notification System, 415/476-2033
- Jason Quon – Coordinator, Emergency Action Plan, 415/476-3082