Making Research Useful: Center for AIDS Prevention Studies Publishes Research Portfolio
The Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS) has published its 2009 Research Portfolio, a compendium of 63 current research projects and four training programs being conducted at the UCSF research unit.
“Research isn’t useful to services and programs until those that need it can find and understand the research,” said Marguerita Lightfoot, PhD, co-director of CAPS and director of the Technology and Information Exchange Core. “CAPS is committed to disseminating our research to the community members, service providers, funders and policymakers who are making a difference in the HIV epidemic.”
The Research Portfolio originated from a suggestion by the CAPS Community Advisory Board (CAB) to “open the door” to what UCSF scientists are doing, so that those who might benefit from the research would have access to it. This is CAPS’ ninth year of publishing a yearly description of all current research projects and important findings.
“It’s an important document,” said Lee Jewell, CAB co-chair. “It gives a sense of the research going on and helps people understand the complex way HIV and AIDS impact people around the world.”
To make the CAPS Research Portfolio accessible to a wide variety of audiences, each research study has a one-page summary that describes the research, lists staff, gives preliminary findings and explains why the research is important. It also features photographs and “heart quotes” from the center’s 29 investigators, demonstrating the passion and commitment of CAPS scientists.
“Ideally, what we learn from our research should be used to strengthen HIV prevention programs and policies,” said Lightfoot. “The research portfolio is one way to let people know what we’ve learned, and share our research with the community.”
The Research Portfolio is available as a PDF on the CAPS website.
In related news, UCSF is seeking participants to join the team in AIDS Walk San Francisco. For more information about the walk, see this story.