ABOG Offers Brown Bag Sessions on Mentorship Program
The Academic Business Officers Group (ABOG) is hosting three upcoming sessions to provide staff seeking guidance in their careers with information about the mentorship program.
All career UCSF employees who are administrative assistants III through management service officers III, or the equivalent, are invited to attend these brown bag sessions. Participants will learn about the popular program and hear from mentors and mentees, who will share their past experiences with the program.
Established in 1988, the yearlong mentorship program pairs high-level, seasoned UCSF managers with members of the campus who are interested in pursuing specific career goals, expanding their professional network, and receiving feedback and support that could help them to better navigate the UCSF system and advance their careers.
The locations and dates for these sessions, all scheduled from noon to 1 p.m., are:
• San Francisco General Hospital: Monday, July 28, Carr Auditorium
• Parnassus: Tuesday, July 29, Medical Sciences Building, room S 118
• Laurel Heights: Thursday, July 31, Chancellor’s Room
Cookies and beverages will be served at all locations.
Developing effective mentoring programs for all at UCSF is one of the strategies outlined in the UCSF Strategic Plan. The plan specifically recommends that mentoring programs should be expanded and made available to all as part of promoting a supportive work environment at UCSF.
UCSF also offers faculty mentoring opportunities. For information about faculty mentoring, visit the Clinical and Translational Science Institute website and the Academic Affairs website.
More information about the ABOG mentoring program for staff, including a program brochure and link to the online application, can be found on ABOG’s website.