Groundbreaking May 7 for new UCSF
## What:
The UCSF Cardiovascular Research Institute-known as CVRI-is leading the charge in understanding and preventing cardiovascular disease by breaking ground for a new state-of-the-art building on the UCSF Mission Bay campus.
The new $254 million CVRI building and program will focus on both research and clinical care.
Today, cardiovascular diseases are the major cause of death and disability in the United States, accounting for nearly one million deaths each year, and the incidence is expected to increase as the population ages.
Media are invited to cover the groundbreaking ceremony.
## When:
Wednesday, May 7
4:00 p.m.
## Who:
Participants in the ceremony include:
* UCSF Chancellor J. Michael Bishop, MD
* Sam Hawgood, MBBS, interim dean, School of Medicine
* Shaun R. Coughlin, MD, PhD, director, UCSF CVRI
* William Grossman, MD, Meyer Friedman Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Department of Cardiology
## Where:
Mission Bay Housing Courtyard
1505 4th Street
UCSF Mission Bay campus (near 4th and 16th Streets)
San Francisco
## Interview and Photo Opportunities:
Speakers will be available for interviews.
## Media Contact:
Lauren Hammit, UCSF News Office, 415-476-2557.
## Background:
The UCSF CVRI is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2008. Since its founding, CVRI scientists have worked together across disciplines to attack cardiovascular diseases. Their partnerships have led to major advances in understanding the disease and in medical care, aiding everyone from infants with respiratory problems to adults with arrhythmia (alterations in heart rhythms).
CVRI’s new building at UCSF Mission Bay will provide state-of-the-art laboratories for current scientists and allow for the recruitment of 25 additional investigators. In addition to research, it will house an outpatient clinic for patients with cardiovascular disease. The building is expected to be ready for occupancy in 2011.