UCSF Revamps Ergonomics Program to Better Serve Faculty, Staff
The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Ergonomics Program at UCSF is being revamped to provide faculty and staff with better services and resources.
The campus ergonomist works with a team of department safety advisors (DSAs) to address all ergonomics needs on campus and to provide faculty and staff with the tools, resources and services needed to create a safe and comfortable work environment.
A new component was added to the EH&S website to provide faculty and staff easy access to the ergonomics services, training, recommended equipment and resources. The ergonomic website will be updated regularly with the new and improved program information and resources.
Training Recommended
Since computers are the predominant tool among UCSF faculty and staff, EH&S is revamping its ergonomics program. A new and improved ergonomics training and self evaluation is now available online.
Whether a computer set up is used in an office, laboratory or clinic, the same ergonomics principles and recommendations apply; therefore, this new training is highly recommended for all computer users.
The ergonomics training module provides information on ergonomics principles and their application to workers and work environments, as well as a practical guide to computer users to modify their workstation and/or equipment while progression with the training module. Following the completion of the training and self evaluation, the DSA and ergonomist are available for further ergonomic consultation and assistance for product selection as needed.
Preferred Products
Ergonomics is a rather trendy word these days. Multiple items on the market are said to be ergonomically correct. To assist with product selection and prevent risk of injuries, EH&S has developed a preferred product list and can be found on the EH&S website.
The items on the preferred product list have been evaluated by the campus ergonomist as the tools to safely fit the majority of UCSF faculty and staff. These items are available for demonstration by appointment only at the ergonomics lab located at the UCSF Mission Bay campus in Byer's Hall, room BH 116.
To make an appointment to visit the ergonomics lab, first complete the online ergonomics training and self evaluation, then contact your DSA.
Matching Funds Available
UCSF has established an Ergonomic Equipment Matching Fund Reimbursement Program. This program is designed to provide campus departments with a cost-effective way to improve employees' workstations and prevent computer-related injuries. The program focuses on ergonomic modification of individual employee computer workstations.
Funds are available to subsidize 50 percent of ergonomic equipment cost, not to exceed $500 per qualifying employee. Matching funds are available for furniture or accessories recommended as a result of the completion of the online ergonomics training and self evaluation and/or a computer workstation evaluation completed by a qualified evaluator, such as EH&S DSA, campus ergonomist, faculty physical therapist or an ergonomics evaluator contracted by EH&S or Disability Management Services.
The Ergonomic Equipment Matching Fund Reimbursement Program is currently only covering office ergonomic equipment, but will shortly be available for other types of ergonomic equipment.
Laboratory ergonomics, dental ergonomics and manual material handling ergonomics programs are in development and will be available soon. For ergonomics assistance, please contact the campus ergonomist or your DSA.
Related Links:
Is Ergonomics a Science? A conversation with ergonomics expert and researcher David Rempel
Science Café, Feb. 8, 2008
Science Café, Feb. 8, 2008