UC Launches Mandatory Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
The University of California is now notifying supervisors across the 10-campus system to take a mandatory online course in Sexual Harassment Prevention Training as required by California law (AB1825).
This law mandates two hours of sexual harassment prevention training every two years for all those at UC identified as being in a supervisory role.
This course is a revision of the initial online training that supervisors may have completed in 2005. The University of California requests that all faculty and staff supervisors complete this course by December 31, 2007, according to Judith W. Boyette, associate vice president of Human Resources and Benefits at the UC Office of the President (UCOP).
The course does not have to be taken in one sitting. If left incomplete, the online program will return to where supervisors last were in the course. The training is interactive and contains many challenging and interesting real-life workplace situations.
Each supervisor will receive a course access link that is personalized for their account alone. Supervisors should not forward or share this link with anyone, since they will not be able to access the training through other people's personalized links.
The course can be taken on any computer with access to the Internet, but is best viewed using Internet Explorer on PCs. Macintosh users will need to use Firefox or Netscape to access the course.
Those with questions about the training are asked to send an email.
For more information, visit UCOP's Sexual Harassment Prevention Training website.
Related Links:
UC to Roll Out Online Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
UCSF Today, Aug. 16, 2007
UCSF Today, Aug. 16, 2007