Gail Schechter
Gail Schechter, a research scientist with experience in the biotechnology industry, in academic medicine and at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has been named director of the
Center for BioEntrepreneurship (CBE) at UCSF.
Before being tapped for the position, Schechter founded BioIntelligence, a consulting company specializing in technology assessment and medical writing. Previously, she worked to facilitate research collaborations between academia and industry at Genentech.
Schechter also was a clinical faculty member at the Stanford University School of Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.
She began her career conducting clinical trials in neuropharmacology at the NIH.
Schechter specializes in neuroscience research and received her PhD degree in psychology from UCSF.
An arm of the Office of Research at UCSF, the CBE weaves the UCSF community into the broader Bay Area community of life sciences innovators and entrepreneurs, company executives, investors, attorneys and other professionals to help successfully translate discoveries from the laboratory to commercialization for the benefit of the institution and society.
CBE faculty and staff seek to educate students, postdocs and other faculty about the skills necessary to build a life sciences business; enable scientists to achieve commercial success and public value from research discoveries; and empower aspiring entrepreneurs to become the next generation of leaders in the life sciences industry.
For more information about CBE, including the broad array of events and programs sponsored by CBE,
visit here.