2006-07 Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Scholars and Mentors are:
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Nisha Acharya, MD, MS, assistant professor of ophthalmology. Mentors:
Thomas Lietman, MD (Ophthalmology); Todd Margolis, MD, PhD (Ophthalmology);
George Rutherford, MD (Epidemiology and Global Health).
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Bradley Aouizerat, PhD, assistant professor of physiological nursing.
Mentors: Christine Miaskowski, RN, PhD (Physiological Nursing); Jon
D. Levine, MD, PhD (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery).
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Allison Bryant, MD, MPH, assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology
and reproductive sciences. Mentors: Miriam Kuppermann, PhD, MPH (Obstetrics,
Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences); Jennifer Haas, MD, MSPH (Internal
Medicine); Elena Fuentes-Afflick, MD, MPH (Pediatrics).
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Valerie Flaherman, MD, MPH, fellow, pediatrics. Mentors: Thomas B. Newman,
MD, MPH (Epidemiology and Pediatrics); Kathryn Lee, RN, PhD (Family
Health Care Nursing); Andrew Avins, MD, MPH (Kaiser Division of Research).
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Gregory Marcus, MD, assistant professor of medicine/cardiology. Mentors:
Jeffrey Olgin, MD (Cardiac Electrophysiology); John Kane, MD, PhD (Biochemistry
and Biophysics).
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Payam Nahid, MD, MPH, assistant professor of medicine/pulmonary and
critical care. Mentors: Philip Hopewell, MD (Pulmonary and Critical
Care); David Lewinsohn, MD, PhD (Pulmonary/Portland VAMC); Neil Risch,
PhD (Genetic Epidemiology).
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Jean Tang, MD, PhD, fellow, dermatology. Mentors: Ervin Epstein, MD
(Dermatology); Anthony Oro, MD, PhD (Dermatology/Stanford); Mary Margaret
Chren, MD (Dermatology).
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Judith Tsui, MD, MPH, fellow, General Internal Medicine. Mentors: Michael
Shlipak, MD, MPH (General Internal Medicine); Anne O'Hare, MD,
MS (Nephrology); John Inadomi, MD (Gastroenterology).
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Fernando Velayos, MD, MPH, assistant professor of medicine/gastroenterology.
Mentors: Jonathan Terdiman, MD (Gastroenterology); Lisa Herrinton, PhD
(Kaiser Division of Research); Fred Waldman, MD, PhD (Lab Medicine).
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Max Wintermark, MD, assistant professor of radiology. Mentors: William
P. Dillon, MD (Radiology); Wade S. Smith, MD, PhD (Neurology).