Student Discusses Divestment in Sudan, Regents Poised for Action
UCSF graduate student Jason Miller is interviewed about the student-organized campaign to divest in Sudan in a podcast produced by the San Francisco Chronicle.
Listen to the 19-minute podcast with Miller here.
Miller is an MD/PhD student at UCSF and co-chair of the UC Sudan Divestment Taskforce, which is raising awareness about the genocide being waged in the Darfur region of Sudan. To date, more than 6,100 faculty, staff, students and others have signed an online petition calling on the University to "divest from, and not to invest additional funds in, either directly or indirectly, certain companies that do business in Sudan or with the Government of Sudan in response to the genocide that Khartoum continues to wage in Darfur, Sudan."
The UC Board of Regents voted on Jan. 19 to tell their foreign investments fund managers that it has strong concerns about University dollars being invested in companies that help make it possible for the Sudan government to continue acts of genocide in Darfur.
On Thursday, March 16, the Regents will consider taking action at their meeting at UCLA on possible divestment from companies with business ties to the Sudan government.
Source: Lisa Cisneros
UC Regents Express Concern about Sudan, Establish Task Force to Consider Divestment
UC Students Lobby for Divestment in Sudan
Students Raise Awareness of Atrocities in Darfur Region of Sudan