Academic Senate to Vote on Two Issues on Feb. 16
UCSF faculty are encouraged to attend a division meeting on Thursday, Feb. 16 when the Academic Senate will vote on regulations of the Graduate Division and a joint UCSF/California State University PhD program in Physical Therapy at Fresno.
The meeting is scheduled from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Toland Hall, room U 142 on the Parnassus campus.
The faculty members from the California State University Fresno (CSUF) Graduate Program in Physical Therapy are requesting to develop a joint clinical Doctorate in Physical Therapy with UCSF. This joint UCSF/CSUF program would expand the knowledge, competency and scientific basis of practice of physical therapy graduates, preparing them to assume increased responsibilities and leadership in the rehabilitation of patients with challenging impairments that interfere with independence and quality of life. The doctoral coursework would expand the foundation of knowledge developed in the Masters of Physical Therapy Program, according to the program proposal.
All the documents for the Feb. 16 division meeting are available online here.
The Academic Senate will also hear from Judy Boyette, associate vice president of Human Resources for UC, who will talk about coming changes to contributions to the UC Retirement System as well as changes to health insurance plans.
In addition, Eric Vermillion, associate vice chancellor for Finance, will talk about campus procurement and cost-savings initiatives.
For more information about faculty issues, please go to the UCSF Academic Senate website.
Source: UCSF Academic Senate