A tasty way to fight breast cancer
## 15 Seconds:
You’ll get tasty treats and entertainment when famous chefs prepare healthful food at “Taste for the Cure,” Sunday, September 29. All proceeds benefit the UCSF Carol Frank Buck Breast Care Center. Call 415-885-7388
## 20 Seconds:
You’ll get tasty treats and entertainment when famous chefs prepare healthfull food at “Taste for the Cure,” Sunday, Afternoon, September 29 at the Golden Tate club in the Presidio. All proceeds benefit the UCSF Carol Frank Buck Breast Care Center. Call 415-885-7388. On the Web at Taste.for.the.cure@org.
30 Seconds
Have fun while you help fight breast cancer! You’ll get tasty treats and entermainmen when famous chefs prepare healthful food at “Taste for the Cure,” Sunday afternoon, September 29 from 2 til 6 PM at the Golden Gate Club in the Presidio. All proceeds benefit the UCSF Carol Franc Buck Breast Care Center. For more information call 415-885-7388. On the Web at the cure.org.