University of California San Francisco

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286 Results in the UCSF News Center
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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Science Interrupted

These days, young investigators spend half their time applying for grants to keep their labs afloat. The competition is so fierce that the next generation of academic scientists is at risk and, by extension, so is science itself.

Illustration of science beakers and a female scientist looking stressed.

Unleashing the Immune System

Oncologists are treating the immune system instead of tumors to fight cancer – with startling results.

Patient, Michael Agnew, spending time with his kids and grandkids.

Conspiring Against Cancer

Alan Ashworth, PhD, one of the world’s preeminent cancer scientists and new president of UCSF’s cancer center, shares his vision for tackling the disease.

Photo of Alan Ashworth in conversation with a man.

Road Warriors

UCSF’s Institute for Global Orthopaedics and Traumatology allows residents to do an international rotation to train doctors in the developing world, where traffic accidents are one of the most common causes of hospitalization.

Hands on the car's steering wheel

Scourge of the City

In honor of UCSF’s 150th anniversary, UCSF Magazine traces the battle with tuberculosis, a disease that’s woven into San Francisco’s and the University's history.

TB ward from early 1900’s.

Modern Nursing

Take a look into a new world that runs the gamut from developing apps to easing fears.

Jonathan Van Nuys stands in front of a colorful mural in a lab coat with stethoscope.

Medicine Meets Marijuana

An inveterate internest discusses how to navigate the great unknowns involved in using marijuana as a medicine.

3 marijuana leaves.

My Lab: Dissected

Two major factors determine whether you get cancer – your genes and what you have been exposed to in the environment, says Allan Balmain, PhD, co-leader of UCSF’s Cancer Genetics Program.

Allan Balmain talks to a research assistant in his lab.

Deeply Rooted: UCSF’s New Chancellor

UCSF Magazine sat down with newly appointed Chancellor Sam Hawgood to learn about how he found the magic at UCSF more than 30 years ago, starting with one fateful meeting.

Sam Hawgood sitting at home with a cup of tea.

Jennie Chin Hansen, MS ’71: Dedicated to advocating for aging populations

Soon after graduating from UCSF, Jennie Chin Hansen, MS ’71, worked as a rural health nurse serving older adults in rural Idaho, long before the world was connected by cell phones or the internet.

You Are What You Eat

UCSF nutrition expert Katie Ferraro, MPH, RD, shares top tips for healthy eating.

Homemade salad in glass jar with quinoa and vegetables.

A Dose of Legal Help

How law students are helping UCSF patients with their health care planning.

Photo of a woman holding an older man’s hand.

Homeward Bound

Experts in the UCSF Division of Geriatrics are blending research and clinical care to transform health care for the burgeoning population of older adults in the United States.

Dr. Rebecca Conant sits with an elderly male patient and an elderly woman stands behind him.