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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Two UCSF Researchers Win Pew Awards for Biomedical Science

Two UCSF scientists – James Gardner, MD, PhD, and Rebeca de Pavia Fróes Rocha, PhD – have received Pew awards for their work in immunology as part of a program that supports promising early-career investigators.

James Gardner (left) and Rebeca de Paiva Fróes Rocha (right).

Two New Vaccines Join the Fight to Eradicate Polio

Two new oral polio vaccines will help limit the amount of new polio strains and outbreaks by genetically engineering weakened polio virus in the oral vaccine to reduce reversion to dangerous forms.

A pair of gloved hands deliver an oral polio vaccine with a dropper into a young boy's mouth.

Health Informatics Leader Selected to Head New UCSF Division

Julia Adler-Milstein, PhD, has been appointed chief of the newly created Division of Clinical Informatics and Digital Transformation (DoC-IT) at UCSF. The new division will promote the integration and application of information technology to improve patient care.

COVID-19 Masks: Expert Tips for What You Should (and Shouldn’t) Do

Face masks remain crucial in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even with vaccine availability. The decision to wear masks depends on vaccination status, risk factors, and local hospitalizations. Medical N95, KN95, or KF94 masks offer the best protection.

Two Black women stand outside wearing blue N95 face masks.

Has Science Cracked the Code on Chronic Pain?

In a first, researchers have identified chronic pain pathways in individuals directly from their neural activity, showing promising paths forward for treatment.

A 3D model of neurons firing

Two UCSF Faculty Named to New Group of HHMI Scholars

UCSF faculty members Walter G. Gonzalez and Angela Phillips have been selected as Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Freeman Hrabowski Scholars. With up to $8.6 million in support, they will conduct research, create inclusive lab environments, and make a significant impact on the future of science. Both scholars are committed to fostering diversity and promoting scientific breakthroughs.

Walter Gonzalez (left) and Angela Phillips (right).

Does Your Vaccine Type Matter in the Battle Against COVID?

COVID vaccine efficacy varied by age, BMI, sex, and smoking status, with levels changing over six months in a UCSF-led study. Pfizer and Moderna had higher antibody responses than Johnson & Johnson at one month, but Johnson & Johnson overtook them at six months.

A health professional wearing a blue latex gloves delivers a COVID-19 vaccine in to a patient's shoulder.

UCSF is First in California to Provide Drug-Gene Testing

UCSF is the first hospital in California to offer pharmacogenetic testing for smarter prescribing. Testing identifies genetic makeup and tailors medications to improve efficacy and avoid lethal drug reactions.

A female pharmacist wearing a lab coat and blue latex gloves picks a bottle of pills from a wall of shelves full of medications.

How 3D Printer Heart Technology Changed a Teen’s Life

From birth, Samantha has had four surgeries for heart disease. Her last surgery was aided by a 3D-printed replica of her heart, providing a detailed understanding of her heart’s anatomy. The surgery’s success allowed the now 15-year-old to lead a more normal life.

A closeup of two hands hold two halves of a 3D printed heart.