University of California San Francisco

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COVID-19 Has a Prolonged Effect for Many During Pregnancy

In the largest study to date of COVID-19 among non-hospitalized pregnant women, researchers analyzed the clinical course and outcomes of 594 women who tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus during pregnancy.

An Epidemic of Inequality

Communities of color have been hit hardest by COVID-19. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets in an outcry against police brutality. Both issues have roots in the same problem.

UCSF Nurses gather in Oakland for a Black Health Matters protest; a male Black nurse in a white coat and face mask stands with female nurses, holding a sign that reads “Abolish” in graffiti style; a large mural of George Floyd’s portrait is in the background.

Microbiome Therapy Protects Against Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis

A product containing healthy vaginal bacteria has proved effective against recurrent bacterial vaginosis (BV), an extremely common vaginal infection that is associated with preterm birth, HIV infection and problems with in vitro fertilization.

Physician consulting with female patient

What We Know and Don’t Know About Coronavirus and Pregnancy

Pregnant women are at higher risk for many infections, but the risks of COVID-19 to mother and baby are not yet clear. UCSF experts share what we know and don’t know about COVID-19’s effects on pregnancy, the possibility of in utero transmission, and advice for pregnant women.

Black and white ultrasound of fetus