University of California San Francisco

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Bolinas COVID-19 Testing Effort Detects No Active Infections

A community-led project to provide comprehensive COVID-19 testing to residents, essential workers, and first responders in the town of Bolinas has determined that all of the 1,845 nasal and oral swab tests conducted in the community between April 20 and April 24 were negative for active infection with the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19.

Gloved hands performing finger prick blood test

The Promise and Uncertainties of Antibody Testing for Coronavirus

As people around the world try to envision recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, much attention has been paid to antibody testing as a way to identify people who have developed immunity to the virus. UCSF experts explain how antibody testing works, who it can be most useful for and why we should be cautious.

Rendering of an antibody molecule