University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Innovative Type 1 Diabetes Approach Licensed to Encellin

Encellin obtained exclusive rights from UCSF for a proprietary cell encapsulation technology aimed at improving physicians’ ability to perform cell transplants without the need for immunosuppressive drugs.

UC Leaders to Congress: Protect the Nation’s Dreamers

University of California officials, including the chancellors from all 10 UC schools, have sent an urgent appeal to California’s congressional delegation, pressing them to take the lead in building bipartisan support for legislation to protect the nation’s Dreamers.

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UCSF to Hold Events in October for National Cyber Security Awareness Month

In order to help UC San Francisco faculty, staff, students and trainees protect their digital information, as well as UCSF’s, the University is celebrating National Cyber Security Awareness Month with a series of outreach and educational events that run through this month.