University of California San Francisco

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‘Missing’ Virus Detected in Dozens of Children Paralyzed by Polio-Like Illness

Research team has detected the immunological remnants of a common seasonal virus in spinal fluid from dozens of patients diagnosed with acute flaccid myelitis (AFM). The findings provide the clearest evidence to date that AFM is caused by an enterovirus (EV) that invades and impairs the central nervous system.

test tubes and vials on a table in a laboratory

Dementia Spreads via Connected Brain Networks

Scientists used maps of brain connections to predict how brain atrophy would spread in individual patients with frontotemporal dementia, adding to growing evidence that the loss of brain cells associated with dementia spreads via the synaptic connections between established brain networks.

an illustration of brain synapses

Genetically Tailored Instruction Improves Songbird Learning

UCSF study conducted in songbirds shows that what at first appear to be genetic constraints on birds’ song learning abilities could be largely eliminated by tailoring instruction to better match the birds’ inborn predispositions.

Brainard Bengalese Finches