University of California San Francisco

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276 Results in the UCSF News Center
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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

UCSF Team Shows How to Make Skinny Worms Fat and Fat Worms Skinny

Researchers exploring human metabolism at UCSF have uncovered a handful of chemical compounds that regulate fat storage in worms, offering a new tool for understanding obesity and finding future treatments for diseases associated with obesity.

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New test can predict complications from kidney disease

Cystatin C, a blood marker of kidney function, proved significantly more accurate than the standard blood marker, creatinine, in predicting serious complications of kidney disease, in a study by researchers at the San Francisco VA Medical Center and UCSF.

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Charitable Giving Campaign Nears its Final Days

With only days to go for employees to make donations through the UCSF Charitable Giving Campaign, so far fund totals are looking remarkably below those raised in previous years.

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