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Older Homeless People Are At Great Risk of Dying

The study, funded by the National Institute on Aging, recruited people who were 50 and older and homeless, and followed them for a median of 4.5 years. By interviewing people every six months about their health and housing status, researchers were able to examine how things like regaining housing, using drugs, and having various chronic conditions, such as diabetes, affected their risk of dying.

A tent of an unhoused person is set up next to three garbage bins behind a building

Half of Moms of Kids with Autism Have High Depressive Symptoms

About 50% of all mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) had elevated levels of depressive symptoms over 18 months, while rates were much lower (6% to 13.6%) for mothers with neurotypical children in the same period, UCSF researchers report in a new study.

Illustration of a person's sillhouette with clouds in the brain area, suggesting depression