University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Individualized Approach is Key to UCSF's Heart Transplant Success

A core group of UCSF cardiothoracic surgeons and cardiologists has created a growing heart transplantation program with excellent survival statistics by focusing on the particular needs of individual patients and using technology to prepare them for surgery.

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Children and Sleep: UCSF Pediatrician Supports Softening of Ferber "Rule"

In his 1985 bestseller <i>Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems</i>, Richard Ferber, MD, took on one of the most controversial questions that pediatricians are asked to address: whether or not infants should sleep in a crib alone or be allowed to "co-sleep" with their parents.

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Chronic Pain Targets Baby Boomers

A great deal of attention is being paid this year to Americans who are turning 60, the first of the baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964.

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