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Older Homeless People Are At Great Risk of Dying

The study, funded by the National Institute on Aging, recruited people who were 50 and older and homeless, and followed them for a median of 4.5 years. By interviewing people every six months about their health and housing status, researchers were able to examine how things like regaining housing, using drugs, and having various chronic conditions, such as diabetes, affected their risk of dying.

A tent of an unhoused person is set up next to three garbage bins behind a building

Half of Moms of Kids with Autism Have High Depressive Symptoms

About 50% of all mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) had elevated levels of depressive symptoms over 18 months, while rates were much lower (6% to 13.6%) for mothers with neurotypical children in the same period, UCSF researchers report in a new study.

Illustration of a person's sillhouette with clouds in the brain area, suggesting depression

Giving Immunotherapy Cells Resilience to Pass the ‘Stress Test’

T cells used in immunotherapy treatments can get exhausted and shut down by fighting cancer cells and tumors. Using a CRISPR-based edit on these cells’ genomes, researchers at UCSF and Gladstone Institutes have rendered the therapeutic cells more resilient against tumors.

Routine Depression Screening May Capture Underdiagnosed Patient Populations

According to a new UCSF study, screening for depression at the primary care level could dramatically increase the likelihood of treatment for those who are traditionally undertreated — racial and ethnic minority individuals, older adults, those with limited English proficiency and men.

Abortion Ban May Increase Risk of Death for Pregnant Women with Cancer

The repercussions of overturning Roe v. Wade – and the failure of the Supreme Court to provide any guidance on exceptions related to the life and health of the mother – are potentially catastrophic for women who face a life-threating diagnosis of pregnancy associated cancers (PAC).

Doctor speaking with pregnant woman sitting with man

New Documents Show McKinsey’s Role in Opioid Epidemic

The Opioid Industry Documents Archive (OIDA), a project of UCSF, and Johns Hopkins University, today released more than 114,000 documents related to McKinsey & Company's work as a management consulting firm for the opioid industry.

Buprenorphine pills being counted